Writing Expectations
Our writing curriculum offers opportunities for children to write for different purposes. Writing is linked to rich texts which develops their vocabulary as they read. There are opportunities to write in a variety of genre and learn the key features of these texts. These are carefully planned so children can make progress year on year and grammar and punctuation concepts are taught to support the development of writing skills in each genre.
Below are some resources to allow parents to understand the expectations for each year group. There is an annotated example of a piece of writing which demonstrates the required standard for the end of each year, for each year group. Additionally, there are pieces of writing which show how a child's writing will progress in the autumn and spring term, who is on track to achieve the expected standard for the year group in the summer term.
You will also find the EPA writing framework which outlines criteria that should be seen in a child's writing if they are working at age related expectations. This criteria is used by teachers at Freeland School to make judgements about children's attainment in writing.