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Home Learning Week 14

Maths- Week 14

Science- Week 14

Topic- Week 14

SPAG- Week 14

Transition- Week 14

Home Learning Week 13

Maths- Week 13

Science- Week 13

Topic- Week 13

SPAG- Week 13

RE- Week 13

Art- Week 13

Home Learning Week 12

Maths- Week 12

Science- Week 12

Topic- Week 12

SPAG- Week 12

RE- Week 12

Home Learning Week 11

Maths - Week 11

Topic- Week 11

Science- Week 11

Art- Week 11

RE- Week 11

SPAG- Week 11

Some fantastic dioramas and familiar smiling faces for a Monday!

Home Learning- Week 10

Maths- Week 10

Science- Week 10

Topic- Week 10

SPAG- Week 10

RE- Week 10

Home Learning Week 9

Maths- Week 9

Topic- Week 9

RE- Week 9

Science- Week 9

SPAG- Week 9

Value- Week 9

Week 8 examples of work

Welcome back Woodpeckers!

I hope you have all had a fantastic half term, enjoying some quality time with your families in the garden.

It is now week 8 of Home Learning and Summer term 2!  I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone!

You will see from the Week 8 home learning menu we have a new Science topic of habitats, RE topic of Judaism, and a new Value of 'respect' for this term.

Keep up your hard work and motivation, you have all come so far with your learning and I have faith in you to keep that resilience up, producing work to a high standard. 

I look forward to hearing from you all soon.

Miss Lamb

Home Learning Week 8

Maths - Week 8

Art- Week 8

RE- Week 8

SPAG- Week 8

Home Learning Week 7

Maths- Week 7

SPAG- Week 7

Art- Week 7

RE- Week 7

Home Learning Week 6

Maths- Week 6

Recap for multiplication and division word problems.

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Topic- Week 6

Science- Week 6

SPAG- Week 6

RE- Week 6


Home Learning Week 5

Topic- Week 5

Science- Week 5

Maths- Week 5

Recap on how to solve addition and subtraction word problems

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SPAG- Week 5

RE- Week 5

Here are just a few examples of the work being done at home so far, keep up the brilliant work all. I am so proud of you!

Home Learning Week 4

Service- Week 4

Handwriting- Week 4

Topic- Week 4

Science- Week 4

Maths week 4

RE Week 4

SPAG Week 4

A little hello and updates!

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Week 3 Home Learning

Week 3 - Maths

Week 3- Science

SPAG- Week 3

We have made a staff ‘Where’s Wally?’ The link below will take you to our school twitter (@FreelandSchool) where you will find the picture! Can you find Wally and all 16 Freeland school staff?! Let us know If you’ve had a go!

Week 2

RE- Symbols of Easter

Science Food Groups


Well done for completing Week 1 of home learning! I am very impressed with the level of work you have produced and I have enjoyed the photographs of you all at home. Please remember to send 1 piece of work to me by Friday each week. 

Here is the home learning menu for Week 2.

Below are documents needed for RE, Science and SPAG.


Stay safe, Miss Lamb.

Home Learning Week 1

Hello all, 


I have had a few parents contact me regarding broken links for the work set. If you are using a Mac then the links will not work- you can download Office for free to open these documents on your Mac books for future work. 


Any other queries, please contact me, Miss Lamb.

Science Work- Looking after a Stegosaurus!

Welcome to Woodpeckers Home Learning page!


I hope the work set each week will keep your children fulfilled and learning while the school has to remain closed to the majority of pupils.


Below is the document titled 'Home Learning' where you will find all the information needed for the weeks worth of work. A new one of these will be added to this page each week with resources if necessary.


Some of the work is set into LO1, LO2 and LO3 which the children are familiar with. Remember to choose an activity that is going to challenge you and move on to the next LO once you have finished. If you choose to complete LO1 or LO2, ensure these are done to the best of your ability. There are challenges for all children outlined also.


I hope this is clear enough for parents and children to understand, access and complete at home. Any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to email me on:


I look forward to seeing some of this amazing work you produce!


Happy learning, and stay safe!