Big Talk
Mrs Nickelson introduced our Big Write talk topic in our Monday collective worship. Teachers and pupils across the school have been encouraged to talk in class talk times and playtimes in preparation for Big Write.
It was wonderful to pop in to the junior classes and see everyone writing in our Thursday Big Write time. Our VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) working walls are being used by the children, soft music was played and independent writing, in a calm quiet environment, was seen in all classes. Look out on our school website for next week’s Big Talk topic.
Thank you to Mrs Churchman and Mrs Davies who have come into school at lunchtime to talk to the children. The children have been thrilled to have visitors. If you can spare some time at lunchtime (30 minutes) please let the office know and we can arrange a time for you to enjoy talking with the children, they have some great imagination!
Mrs Tacon